691 Virtual ACR

Hello, Cadets and ParentsI hope the post finds you well.

It has been a few months since we have seen each other in person, and the Air Cadet program will not resume until September 1st, at the earliest.I would like to formally end our cadet training year.

The Parent Support Group and myself would like to invite your cadet(s) and family to join us for a Virtual ACR. This will be a online event highlighting accomplishments of our squadron over the past year.

When: Monday May, 25.

Where: Online using Webex

Time: 7PM.

Duration:30 Minutes.

Dress: Cadets please wear your uniform with ties and tunics.

Program:Awards, promotions, long service awards and a Lord Strathconna Trust Medal presentation.

Presentation to Saskadet.

Short speech from the Sponsors and CO.

The web conference will start at 630 PM on Monday. Please join 15 minutes early to work out any connection issues.

The program will start at 7pm sharp.You can join by computer or your smartphone. For a smart phone, you will need to download the webex app off the app store. Its free.

Below is the meeting link.

Thanks and I hope we will see you online next Monday.

Meeting link:https://sasktel.webex.com/sasktel/j.php?MTID=m2602c86183ab91c5c254743f213a4cbdMeeting number:283 498 832

Password: check your email or the Facebook private group.