Weekly Announcements for 28 Oct. – 3 November, 2019

Monday 28 October Parade

Dress will C4, Tunics and t-shirts.

Annual Validation Forms

Thank you to everyone who has returned their Annual Validation forms!

We still have a few outstanding validations. If you have not yet returned them please bring them this week. If you need another copy, please see 2Lt Drew so she can get the appropriate documents to you. These were due back by 4 October, 2019 and are now long overdue.

Ground School

Ground school is open to all cadets who are interested in taking the gliding or power flying exams in early January 2020.

Ground School will be held on Sunday, 3 November, 2019. The class will be held at the Regina Armoury (1600 Elphinstone St) from 18:00- 21:00 (6PM-9PM)

Please let Captain Walton know if you are attending ground school as there is paper work that needs to be completed.

Digital Copy of Instructional Guides

Senior cadets or instructors, the link below will redirect you to a page on the Air Cadet League of Saskatchewan website. This website has a digital copy of all the current and up to date Instructional Guides. If you are an instructor, please use the PDFs provided to assist you in preparing your lesson plans. If you have any questions please speak to an officer. 

Sask ACL website: https://skacl.ca/resources/lesson-plans

Technology Project

We are always trying to expand the program and offer different programs so there is something for everyone. Captain Walton is looking to offer an optional technology project. As air cadets, we would like to keep it related to aviation but are welcome to all ideas.

Do you have any ideas you would be interested in?

Is there a cool activity you did at summer training you’d like to expand on? 

See an interesting project or activity and think we should try that? Let Captain Walton know!

Current ideas include:

  • A code club, building and coding some sort of game or program. Possibility of using a Raspberry Pi or a micro controller like a Adruino
  • Learning more about basic electronics
  • Build a robot to preform a specific task.
  • Build a fighting robot (battle BOT).
  • Build and program a homemade drone or RC airplane.
  • Build an air plane tracker like a piaware flight feeder. https://flightaware.com/adsb/piaware/
  • Tear down and rebuild a small 4 stroke motor
  • Air Traffic Control live simulation 

Supply Officer

We are looking for a supply officer. This person will be responsible for the outfitting of cadets uniforms, inventory and control of cadet stores and squadron assets. Other duties include instruction and supervision of cadets on parade nights as well as day and weekend activities. 

You must be a screened adult, willing to attend cadets every Monday and available for weekend activities.