Contact Captain Walton to sign up for ground school. Deadline is October 8, 2022. Email:
Pilot training is a huge personal commitment, dedication and hard work. Please read the description and eligibility requirements below.
2. The eligibility requirements for the online training are the same as those for GPTC (Gliding) and PPTC (Power) as outlined in Ref B which states that course specific eligibility requirements are as follows:
*Note 1: Cadets who exceed the height requirements by the application deadline cannot submit an application. Cadets who do not meet the weight requirements by the application deadline have until the first Monday in June to provide proof, via a doctor’s letter, that they meet the requirements.
**Note 2: Transport Canada Pilot Certificate for Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft (i.e. drones) does not apply.
Important dates:
a. application deadline: 15 October 2022
b. training start date: 01 October 2022
c. training end date: 14 January 2023
d. access to OGS and selection exam ends: 15 January 2023