Sports Night Tomorrow
Tomorrow we will be holding a sports night please wear sports attire.
Easter Trip 2018
If you were not able to attend the meeting last week. You still need to fill out a information package about the trip.
We have secured a Base tour of 17 Wing in Winnipeg. This will be an exciting activity for the cadets!
Legion and Lord Strathcona Awards
There are two awards that can be presented to cadets, one of the main requirements is if Cadets participate in community volunteer activities.
We would like to know about the type of volunteering you do. Please email Captain Walton at with what type of job you do, when you do it, how often and for what group. Parents may also email the details.
Cadet Camps 2018
As offers for cadet camps arrive, each cadet that is chosen will be given a offer to accept the camp. This must be signed by the parent and cadet. Please return the paper work ASAP so we can continue with the enrollment process.
Staff Cadets. Most of the paperwork and enrollment is done directly between you and the RCSU. Please make sure you are meeting the deadlines that have been laid out for you.
Regina Squadron Tour and Military Museum Visit
The Squadron will be visiting 34 Roland J Groome Squardon in Regina on April 23, 2018. We will also be visiting the Military Museum in the Regina Armories. Cadets will be transported to and from Regina in a parent supplied car pool. Details to be announced.
Operation Mud Roller
Operation Mud Roller is a weekend multi squadron field exercise May 11-12-13 2018 hosted this year by 691. This camp will be held at Camp Monahan near Fort Qu’ Appelle. Please mark this date down and hold it for this event.