
Weekly Announcements for 23-29 September 2024

Parade – Mon 23 Sept

Tonight will be a regular training night. Dress will be C5-FTU. If you do not have, or they do not fit, dress will be C3F. 

Tonight will be our first NCO meeting of the year. 

Sponsor Committee Meeting – Mon 23 Sept

The first sponsor committee meeting of the year will be held at the hall tonight. The meeting will begin at 7PM. Please plan to attend.

Please also remember to bring your screening forms back tonight. In order to send the forms off for processing, we will require a copy of 2 pieces of ID, the completed forms, and your police record cheque with vulnerable sector screening (VSS).

Online Registration

Did you know you can register for cadets online? Feel free to share this link with your friends and family that may be interested in joining!

Museum War Room Project – Sat 28 Sept

As part of our partnership with the Museum, we will be meeting at the museum this Saturday from 9:30-16:30 (4:30PM) to help update their war room prior to Remembrance Day.

We ask that cadets and available parents come to help out. The plan for today is to remove the displays and apply base coats of paint on the walls and floors.

Please dress in attire you don’t mind getting paint on.

Lunch will be provided.

There will be a follow up next weekend on 5 Oct for parents to finish paint details while we are at our FTX.

Parade – Mon 30 Sept

Tonight will be a regular training night. Dress will be C5-FTU. If you do not have, or they do not fit, dress will be C3F. 

Field Training Exercise – Fri 4 Oct – Sun 6 Oct

This Area Directed Activity will be held at Camp Saskadet from Friday-Sunday and will be a joint exercise with 703 Optimist in Regina along with a few other units. Transportation will be provided. We will be doing outdoor survival activities including, constructing fires, shelter building, radio communication, knots and lashings, and more.

Dress will be in C5-FTU’s. This includes your green pants, green tunic, FTU all-purpose boots and dark blue t-shirt. Cadets will need to wear a hat. 

Registered cadets will need to be at the hall for 18:30 (6:30PM) and expect to depart at 18:45 (6:45PM).

Cadets will need to bring a signed permission form back in order to get on the bus. Permission forms will be distributed to cadets signed up for the activity in advance.

More information to follow.

Gliding – Sun 13 Oct

During this activity the cadets are flown by qualified glider pilots who take the cadets up in gliders owned by the air cadet league for a familiarization flight above Moose Jaw. 

Dress will be in C5-FTU’s. This includes your green pants, green tunic, FTU all-purpose boots and dark blue t-shirt. Cadets will need to wear a hat. 

Cadets will need to bring a signed permission form back in order to get on the bus. Permission forms will be distributed to cadets signed up for the activity in advance. Priority will be given to cadets who have not flown before. 

Cadets need to bring a water bottle, hat, and apply sunscreen before you come. Cadets may also wish to bring a light jacket depending on the weather as well as something to entertain themselves during the down time. 

More information to follow. 

Cadet 365 Accounts

Cadet 365 is a cadet office account that allows cadets access to Microsoft products free of charge. This includes giving them access to Teams where various communications and resources are provided. 

All cadets have been issued a Cadet 365 account and credentials were provided previously for existing cadets and will be provided to all new cadets upon enrolment. All cadets need to log into and finish setting up their accounts. 

Once set up, cadets also need to complete the Cyber Security Awareness course. Once your account is set up, the course can be accessed by searching the home page or via this link  

These accounts are becoming increasingly important and it is required for multi-unit Area Directed Activities from September-June, summer camps, and other training opportunities throughout the year as online courses and communication come through this account. Cadets cannot participate in Area Directed Activities or summer training without a valid Cadet 365 account. 

If you need assistance setting up your account or require your login credentials, see Capt Drew on Monday night. You can also contact the Helpdesk at 1-855-252-8082 for technical support.

Step by step procedure to complete the initial onboarding and FAQ for cadets are available on  

Activity Suggestions

If you have any suggestions of activities you would like to do send them to