
Weekly Announcements May 21, 2017

No Cadets Monday May 22 due to the long Weekend.

Cadet Year is Almost Over

The year is quickly coming to a close, but this is still the most important time for our squadron. We know that cadets are busy with school, sports and other leisure activities now that the weather is nice, the Cadets attendance at all squadron activities is vitally important. Please make a effort the attend the remaining parades and especially the ACR and ACR practice.

Annual Ceremonial Review

The Annual Ceremonial Review is the last formal parade for the squadron in 2017. This will highlight the accomplishments of the Cadets and the Squadron. Please reserve  May 28 (Practice) and May 29 Parade. All families are encouraged to attend.

The parade will be held at the Memorial Hall on the street, with the high school as a backup in case of poor weather.  We have asked a member of the local town counsel to be the Reviewing Officer. This will help to promote Cadets in our community.

What you need to know:

Dates: May 28, Memorial Hall, No uniforms.

4:00 PM ACR parade practice. Mandatory for All Cadets

6:00 PM Awards, Cadets and Families.

6:30 PM BBQ Supper. All Cadets and Families are invited.

Monday May 29, Memorial Hall (Mandatory, full dress uniform)

6:30 PM Cadet to be formed up

6:45 PM Parade Starts

Memorial Park Cleanup

The squadron will be cleaning up the memorial park in Indian Head on Sunday June 4th. This is the last activity of the year and is mandatory.

Lunch will be provided. We will post detailed times next week.

Summer Course Prep Meeting.

We will have a summer camp prep meeting in June to distribute all the camp joining instructions, and travel itineraries and answer any questions. Time and date TBD.