
Weekly Announcements April, 24. 2017

No Cadets Tonight

Due to the late arrival of the flight into Regina after the Easter trip there will be no cadets tonight.

Operation Mud Roller

Mud Roller is a joint squadron Survial and Leadership weekend held in Moose Mountain Provincial Park. Cadets allays have a great time learning new survival techniques and meeting new and old cadets from other squadrons. This is a mandatory training weekend in the cadet program.

Permission slips were handed out 2 weeks ago and are due on Monday May 1st.

Date: May 12-14

Location: Moose Mountain Provincial Park

Drop Off: 1700 hrs (5PM) at the Memorial Hall. Cadets in Wolsey and Grenfell will be picked up en-route.

Please pack light but ensure you have the proper gear outlined below. The weather looks warm but prepare for cold or wet weather.

Eat before you get on the bus or pack food to eat en-route to the exercise.

Click here for >>> Mudroller Kit List


The Annual Ceremonial Review is the last formal parade for the squadron in 2017. This will highlight the accomplishments of the Cadets and the Squadron. Please reserve  May 28 (Practice) and May 29 Parade. All families are encouraged to attend.

The parade will be held at the Memorial Hall on the street, with the high school as a backup in case of poor weather.  We have asked a member of the local town counsel to be the Reviewing Officer. This will help to promote Cadets in our community.

The date of the Awards night is still in the works because of a large school band trip to Moose Jaw on May  15.

Easter Trip

The trip was a huge success, from all accounts the cadets had fun and also learned something. This could not have occurred without the dedication of all the Officers and Parent committee members who took vacation time, made many phone calls and emails planning and organizing the trip. Thanks to the PSG for allocating the funds necessary to allow the cadets to attend at a minimal cost. The cadet were well behaved and engaged in the tours. This will be a trip to remember for a long time.

I would like to encourage the parents of the squadron, if your child had positive trip experience and enjoy the cadet program to please step forward and participate in the  parent support group committee meeting on a monthly basis or think about becoming a officer or civilian instructor to fill some of the upcoming position openings.

We thank you for your continuing support.