
Weekly Announcements, November 12, 2016.

18053logo1454900439 Fundraiser

The Parent Support Group will be holding out annual Spaghetti supper on Saturday Nov.19th at  at the Memorial Hall. Cadets sell those tickets! Lots of door prizes and fun to be had!

Tickets are Adults $15, Teens 12-17 $10, Children 11 and Cadets under free.

Zone Training Officer Visit

The Zone Training Officer from the Regional Cadet Support Unit (NW), Captain Rhonda Notschaele will be our guest on Monday Nov 14 parade. Make sure those boots are shiny and uniforms are pressed and looking sharp. Attendance is very important for this night!

Warrant Officer II Selection

3 Flight Sergeants have applied for the position of WOII, The Interviews will be Nov 28 at 1900 hrs. Candidates will be emailed a set of interview questions before the interview to prepare with.

Remembrance Day

Thank you to all Cadets, Parents and Officers who participated in the days activities. There are lots of great photos on Facebook of you showing your commitment to remember the fallen.

Polish Those Boots! polish

The cadet NOC club has Kiwi boot polish and Clothes for sale at $5 dollars each. Kiwi is the best polish for your boots. Work hard and get a good base and the shine will be easier to maintain.

Sports Night Nov 28

Nov 28 will be sports night, no uniforms, please wear civilian sports attire.