
Weekly Announcements, Nov 6, 2016.

Orienteering Daymapsc

Cadets will participate in a Orienteering Day Nov 6. We will be training on the use of Map and Compasses.

Location: Indian Head Memorial Hall
Times: 10 am – 3 pm
Lunch will be provided
Dress for the weather!
Civilian clothes, no Uniforms.

Remembrance Day remembrance-day

Remembrance Day is a mandatory cadet activity.

Cadets may parade at their local home town Remembrance Day service. Because you are in uniform and represent the Cadet organization, may asked to lay a wreath or participate in the local service, Good dress and deportment if very important. If there is no local Remembrance Day service in your community Cadets will Parade in Indian Head.

Cadets will attend in full uniform. Five cadets that live in Indian Head have volunteered to be the flag party for the Legion. All other Cadets will form a Flight and be commanded by 2Lt. Whalley.

Cadets may attend their school service and wear their uniforms but you must inform the CO of when and where the service is.

If your Child is planning to attend a service please email I receive these emails on my phone and can respond ASAP.

18053logo1454900439 Fundraiser

The Parent Support Group will be holding out annual Spaghetti supper on Saturday Nov.19th at  at the Memorial Hall. Cadets sell those tickets! Lots of door prizes and fun to be had!

Tickets are Adults $15, Teens 12-17 $10, Children 11 and Cadets under free.

Zone Training Officer Visit

The Zone Training Officer from the Regional Cadet Support Unit (NW), Captain Rhonda Notschaele will be our guest on Monday Nov 14 parade. Make sure those boots are shiny and uniforms are pressed and looking sharp. Attendance is very important for this night!

Warrant Officer II Selection

The selection process for the Squadron WOII has begun, eligible Flight Sergeants have been given  instructions to apply. The application memo is due NLT Monday Nov. 7 2016. The Interview will be Nov. 21 or 28.