
Weekly Announcements October 31, 2016.

Halloween! jack

The Cadets will be serving Hot Chocolate on Halloween! We will have 3 stations set up around town to serve to the ghouls and goblins of Indian Head! Cadet wear your best costume and have fun!

Remember please wear a suitable costume as not to scare the small children.(no creepy clowns)

Times and shift are posted to the Facebook page.

Warrant Officer II Selection

The selection process for the Squadron WOII has begun, eligible Flight Sergeants have been given  instructions to apply. The application memo is due NLT Monday Nov. 7 2016. The Interview will be Nov. 21 or 28.

Spaghetti Supper Fund raiser

The Parent Support Group will be holding out annual Spaghetti supper on Saturday Nov.19th at  at the Memorial Hall. Cadets sell those tickets! Lots of door prizes and fun to be had!

Tickets are Adults $15, Teens 12-17 $10, Children 11 and Cadets under free.

Orienteering Day

Cadets will participate in a Orienteering Day Nov 6. We will be training on the use of Maps and Compasses.

Location: Indian Head

Times: 10 am – 3 pm

Dress for the weather!

Civilian clothes, no Uniforms.