
Weekly Announcements May 23 2016

Annual Ceremonial Review.

This years ACR will have a different format compared to other years.  We will have awards on parade followed by a family BBQ after the parade.

Date: Sunday May 29, 2016.

Time: 3:30 PM

  • Cadets to be at the School at 2:30 PM
  • Guests to be seated by 3:20 PM

Place: Indian Head High School – 811 Crawford St

Dress: Cadets Full Dress, Tunics, Ties, and Medals.

Family Barbecue.

Family BBQ at the Memorial Hall following the ACR.

691 Hawk Community Clean Up Day.

Date: Sunday June 5, 2016.

Time: 9 AM

Place: Legion Memorial Gardens

Dress: Civilian clothes for working outside. Close Toed Shoes! No Flip Flop or Sandals! Please bring Sunscreen and a Water bottle.

Meals: Pizza will be provided for lunch.