
Weekly Announcements May 16 2016

Cadets will meet at the Memorial hall then go to high school to practice the ACR format.

Awards Night

Monday, May 16.

Parents are invited to attend the closing parade at 845 pm for awards.

Yearly awards for Fitness levels, Attendance, Honor Roll, Curling Medals and Proficiency Levels will be handed out at the closing of the parade on May 16. This will help to shorten the ACR. All major awards will still be handed out at ACR.


No Cadets Monday May 23 due to the Stat Holiday.

We will return to Cadets for the ACR on Sunday May 29.

Annual Ceremonial Review.

This years ACR will have a different format compared to other years.  We will have awards on parade followed by a family BBQ after the parade.

Time: 330 pm at the Memorial Hall- Please be seated by 320 pm.

Annual Ceremonial Review with awards.

Family BBQ at the Memorial Hall