
Weekly Announcements May 9 2016

Mud Roller

Operation Mud Roller was a huge success. Cadets participated in a 2 day exercise with Air Cadet Squadrons from, Moosomin, Oxbow, Carlyle, and Estevan at Kenosee Lake. We look forward to next year!

Parent Support Meeting tonight at the memorial hall.

No Cadets Monday May 23 due to the Stat Holiday.

Awards Night

Monday, May 16.

Some of the yearly awards (Fitness, Attendance, Honor roll, Etc.) will be handed out at the closing of the parade on May 16. This will help to shorten the ACR. All major awards will still be handed out at ACR.

Annual Ceremonial Review.

Sunday May 29, 1530 Hrs.

Parade at the high school starting at 1530hrs

Family BBQ supper to follow.

More details to Follow

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