
Weekly Announcements May 2 2016

 Operation Mud Roller
May 6-8
Pick up will be at 1700 hrs Memorial Hall.
Bring your permission slips. This is a mandatory weekend. Please pack light but ensure you have the proper gear outlined below. The weather looks warm but prepare for cold or wet weather.

Eat before you get on the bus or pack food to eat en-route to the exercise.

Click here for >>> Mudroller Kit List

Weekly Announcements.

Weekly announcements will be posted Sunday Evening. and Updated Monday Evening after the parade.The plan is for this web site to become the central site for information and announcements.

If you have something to add please email it to or

Minor Awards Night

Monday, May 16.

Some of the yearly awards will be handed out at the closing of the parade on May 16. This will help to shorten the ACR. All major awards will still be handed out at ACR.

Annual Ceremonial Review.

Sunday May 29, 1530 Hrs.

Parade at the Highschool starting at 1530hrs

Family BBQ supper to follow.

More details to Follow

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