
Weekly Announcements 6-12 November 2023

Online Registration

Did you know you can register for cadets online? Feel free to share this link with your friends and family that may be interested in joining!

Training Schedule Updated

The year-at-a-glance training schedule has been updated. Check it out under the “Cadet Training” tab on the home page.

One of the changes is the CAF Engagement day that was schedules for November has been postponed until February 2024. The official date is still TBD but expected on or around Family Day.

5 November – Remembrance Day Service

The United Church has asked us to participate in the Remembrance Day ceremony they will be holding on 5 November 2023. Please see Captain Walton for more information if you are interested in participating.

Dress will be C1 – blue uniform including light blue dress shirt, parade boots, tunic, and wedge. C1 includes medals, if earned.

Cadets will meet at St Andrew’s United Church for 10:30 AM. Cadets are welcome to stay for the lunch after the ceremony.

6 November – Parade

Tonight will be a regular training night. Dress will be C5-FTU. If you do not have, or they do not fit, dress will be C3F.

Cadets are to arrive at the hall for 18:45 (6:45PM).

11 November – Remembrance Day

This year we are asking all cadets to attend the Remembrances Day Ceremony in Indian Head on 11 November. Dress will be C3 – blue uniform including light blue dress shirt, parade boots, tunic, and wedge. C3 includes ribbons, if earned.

We will take the cadets out for lunch after the ceremony.

School Services: Many cadet may be asked to participate in a service at their school during Remembrance Week. Cadets are authorized to wear their Blue uniforms complete with tunic blue collar shirt, tie and the rest of your blue uniform. You must let Capt Walton know if you are going to participate in a school service. Please email

Remember to represent Air Cadet and your self in a positive manner when dressed in your uniform in public.

We will begin wearing poppies as of 28 October 2023.

18 November – Range / Uniform Care Day

We have various activities planned for this one-day activity including range, showing you how to wear and care for your uniform, review of Mess Dinner information, and some other activities.

The dress will be C5 – FTU’s. Bring a water bottle and your blue uniform.

The day will from from 900-1400 (9AM-2PM). Lunch will be provided.

Cadets are asked to bring their phone/mobile devices to this activity day so we can get everyone set up on Cadet 365.

Level 5 Training Weekend – POSTPONED

Level 5 Training Weekend was scheduled for 17-19 November, 2023 but has been postponed to 9-11 February 2024.

Additional details will be available to those registered. Should you have any questions please see Lt Drew.

Cadet 365 Accounts

Cadet 365 is a cadet office account that allows cadets access to Microsoft products free of charge. This includes giving them access to Teams where various communications and resources are provided. 

All cadets have been issued a Cadet 365 account and credentials were provided previously. All cadets need to log into and finish setting up their accounts. 

Once set up, cadets also need to complete the Cyber Security Awareness course. Once your account is set up, the course can be accessed by searching the home page or via this link  

These accounts are becoming increasingly important and it is required for summer camps as online courses and communication come through this account. Cadets cannot participate in summer training without a valid Cadet 365 account. 

If you need assistance setting up your account or require your login credentials, see Lt Drew on Monday night. You can also contact the Helpdesk at 1-855-252-8082.

Step by step procedure to complete the initial onboarding and FAQ for cadets are available on  

Activity Suggestions

If you have any suggestions of activities you would like to do send them to