Weekly Announcement March, 25. 2019

Cadets Monday March 25

Monday is sports night, the dress is civilian sports attire.

Easter Trip 2019

Update: We have been busy booking Tours and Attractions. The IMAX is booked so we have added a escape room! We still haven’t got confirmation from STARS about the tour so the Zoo will be our backup plan! Stay tuned for more info. 

 A parent meeting with information and form signing will be held on Monday, April 8 evening. At least one parent must attend this meeting to sign the permission forms for the Easter trip. 

The Squadron will be offering a citizenship trip to Edmonton AB, during the Easter break April 22-26 2019.  Each Cadet will be asked to provide a non refundable commitment fee of $200.00 to secure their spot on the tour. This payment will be made to the parent support group before March 18, 2019.

This fee will help to offset the cost of the tour and to guarantee your spot. Please contact Captain Walton or Mrs. Severt if you have questions or concerns about the fee.

Summer Training (Camp)

If you received a camp offer  please sign and return the form the the office the ASAP.

If you decline a camp offer the camp will be put back system and offer to another cadet.

Duke Of Edinburgh International Award

The Duke Edinburgh’s International Award is an internationally recognized program for young people, building their skills to equip them for life and work. By creating opportunities for young people to develop skills, get physically active, give service and experience adventure, the Award can play a critical role in their development.​

We are very happy to announce that 691 Hawk Squadron now has a Duke of Ed group and an awards program leader, Captain Walton took the leader training last week.

Cadets who are 13 years and 9 months old can start the program and work towards their bronze achievement. Many of the activities we do as cadets covers off the Duke of Ed Program requirements.

Please check out the following link to learn more about the Award program.



Upcoming Dates:

April 8: Easter trip parents meeting.
April 22- 26: Easter Citizenship Trip.
May 3-5: Operation Mud Roller.
May 26: ACR Practice
May 27: ACR
Jun 2: Park Cleanup.